Bubba called me the other day to see if he, Aida, Allie, Amie and their Dalmatian, Vicki could evacuate to my house if Gustav hits New Orleans. Hurricane Katrina hit exactly 3 years ago (August 29, 2005) and right now it looks like Gustav's headed straight to LA. Mom said the levees are already leaking, and the Times-Picayune front page shows that much of the work is incomplete. I read an article a few days ago that said the pipes near the City Park pumping station are rotted through. It has flooded there every time it rained since I was a little kid, and they still haven't fixed it! Unbelievable.
So here we go again. Mom and Dad will be going to Val's house near Dallas if there's a mandatory evacuation. The second half of my radiation simulation is Tuesday, and I begin radiation on Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. My regular appointment time will be 9:30 a.m. every day starting on Thursday, Sept. 6 (when adult choir practices resume.) Wow, it'll be a busy week!

I've attached some pictures from my January 2006 visit to New Orleans,
5 months after Hurricane Katrina. Some, like Bubba's FEMA trailer and the high water lines and spray-painted rescue grids like Val is showing at her old duplex were typical of things you'd see all around the city.
Our Lady of Prompt Succor,
Hasten to help Us!

I've attached some pictures from my January 2006 visit to New Orleans,

Others were things I NEVER saw on TV, but was so prevalant across the Gulf Coast (and has been in every disaster) that it defies any rational explanation. Statues of Jesus, Mary and other saints often stayed intact, but the churches/houses they stood in front of and everything around them had been destroyed. Why? Our Lady of Prompt Succor is the Patroness of the state of Louisiana, the Archdiocese of (and the city of) New Orleans. Click the link for more info on the background of how that evolved. Every year during hurricane season, Catholic churches across the Gulf Coast always include a petition in the Prayer of the Faithful invoking her intercession to protect the city from harm. The city of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast needs her help again to avoid Katrina Part 2.
Our Lady of Prompt Succor,
Hasten to help Us!

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