I've attached some pictures from my January 2006 visit to New Orleans,

Our Lady of Prompt Succor,
Hasten to help Us!

New URL: http://helensigur.blogspot.com/ A "whenever I get around to it" account of my life, starting when I was diagnosed in Summer 2008 with high grade, undifferentiated NOS (not otherwise specified) soft-tissue sarcoma in my leg. I've been cancer-free now for >9 years since my surgery on August 4, 2008.
God takes such good care of me! It was so amazing that I even NOTICED this tumor, and also amazing that it was treated properly as soon as possible. Last summer, a wonderful transitional deacon from Cameroon, Africa was stationed at our parish, and I kept in touch with him over the year when he went back to seminary in Maryland. I was invited to his ordination as a priest on May 31 and he asked me to play the piano and organ at his first Mass, on June 1.
Dr. Oskouei told me based on the blood test and needle biopsy results, he suspected that I had a low-grade sarcoma, but that due to its size and location (very close to the surface of my skin, not buried in the muscle and far away from major organs) that I would probably NOT need chemo, only radiation, and maybe not even radiation. So next I had an MRI which was STILL inconclusive, and I was scheduled for surgery a few days later (my first ever--I've never even needed stitches before, and had never been in a hospital.)
I was supposed to get the pathology results in 5-7 days, but they told me at 5 days the results weren't back yet and special stains were ordered. At 7 days (August 11), I was told only after pressing them for at least SOME kind of information that they "suspected" it was malignant, (which is what I had been expecting since my first visit with the surgeon.) but they didn't know what type of tumor it was yet. (Sarcomas are extremely rare and the subtypes can share a lot of characteristics but they behave differently, so a precise diagnosis is critcal for proper treatment.)
On Wednesday, August 13, I was told it was "definitely malignant" but they still didn't know exactly WHAT it was. I spent almost all day that day on the phone with the hospital and various secretaries, when they scheduled me for a consultation with the radiation doctor, another with another doctor to schedule a lymph node biopsy (which would require another surgery under a general anesthetic instead of the spinal I was able to have for my leg surgery), a meeting with a social worker, a CT scan of my lungs and a full-body bone scan (all of which I completed Tuesday-Wednesday and Thursday of this week.) PRETTY SCARY!! Clearly they suspected SOMETHING specific to schedule all this stuff, but nobody would tell me any details. I got the impression that they were waiting for my surgeon to tell me at my post-op checkup on Wednesday, Aug. 20.
At 6 pm on Friday, Aug. 15 (Assumption) Dr. Oskouei's secretary, Julie, called me from her cell phone in her car (since I had left two messages earlier that day to please call me with any updates she had so I wouldn't have to wait ANOTHER weekend to hear any news.) Julie knows my voice on the phone now and said she was surprised she didn't kinow my number by heart already. She apologized for not being able to call back during the day, but she realized she had left the office without calling me back and didn't want me to be left hanging again, so she called information to get my number on her way home. She said the results STILL weren't complete, but that it was a high-grade type called synovial sarcoma. This was a shock because all this time I had prepared myself for a low-grade malignancy with a great prognosis and very mild treatment (if any, other than the original surgery) needed.
I did some research over the weekend and was even more horrified at what I saw: synovial sarcoma is an extremely rare and dangerous cancer that can spread to lungs, lymph system and/or bones, but I started preparing myself as to how I was going to tell my family, and I cried on and off with various people over the weekend. Only 800 people a year in the US are diagnosed with that type of cancer. On Tuesday, I found out I was going to need 6 1/2 weeks of radiation every day, Monday through Friday starting the day after Labor Day, in downtown Atlanta (about 40 minutes away in GOOD traffic, 1 1/2 to 2 hours in morning rush!) The lymph node biopsy doctor didn't sugarcoat my diagnosis and agreed that it was a nasty one, but she tried to console me as much as she could and said they'd take good care of me. Some of the stories I saw online were of young, healthy people like me who felt perfectly fine and then were dead within 2 years. Longer term survivors suffered multiple recurrences, metasases, surgeries, radiation, and chemo. Terrifying, even to a person with great faith.
So we set up a lymph node biopsy for NEXT Wednesday, August 27 since I was going to have to do that before starting radiation. It was a very depressing day. I spent 9 hours at the hospital and about that much time on the phone telling family and friends what was going on. Went to bed exhausted and hoarse. Wednesday morning was the CT scan of my lungs, which was an extremely important test, since all types of sarcomas tend to metastasize to the lungs. Cyndy, a friend from work drove me to my appointment, which was followed by my post-op visit with the surgeon, who read the CT scan results that morning. She came with me just in case the news was bad. But PRAISE GOD!! What I consider to be no less than a miracle unfolded, as explained at the beginning of this email. So for finding out I still have a high-grade cancer, Wednesday was a JOYOUS day since it's not the nasty cancer I THOUGHT I had for several days.
I still have to do the 6 1/2 weeks of radiation, but no chemo, no lymph node biopsy, and a much better expected outcome than I would have had if it was synovial sarcoma. Again, thanks for your continued prayers, and I'll keep y'all posted as things progress. Up till last Friday, I was amazingly calm and at peace because of my faith and also everyone's prayers, but for that last little 5 day stretch till Wednesday morning I started being afraid like Peter when the wind and waves whipped up, and I started sinking. But like Peter, Jesus lifted me up and saved me from the worst, and my outlook NOW is really positive! To me this is no different than being healed physically from the scary disease I thought I had. I only have "undifferentiated sarcoma".
Other news for those I haven't been in touch with recently: I bought a house just after Easter, and I love my "new" parish (hard to believe I've been here 1 1/2 years already!) I have a great deal of support here from people in the music ministry and the parish at large. Best of all, my lifelong best friend/college roommate and her family live here (which is how I found out about this job; they're members of my parish and so I have a local "family" here. I've known her husband since the day they met, and her kids since they were born--they grew up calling me "Aunt Helen", so I have a true family right here, complete with nieces and nephews!) I'm only one flight hop away from my sister near Dallas and my Mom, Dad and brother in New Orleans (and I can also drive there in 9 1/2 hours if I want or need to.) I FINALLY have a new love in my life (we've been together for two months now) and he has been a blessing to me too. I miss you all terribly and think of you often.
Sorry about the weirdness in the fonts; I'll have to figure out how to fix that later!
In the name of Jesus, and Mary Our Queen,